Thanks Christine! Collaboration is an incredible gift. It reminds me of the story of the six blind men and the elephant. Each man describing one aspect of the elephant through their touch. Yet by putting all that information together the truer picture of the elephant becomes possible. This is what I feel collaboration does. I did my first collaboration piece two weeks ago on dream incubation. It was wonderful to work with Kristin Lang and she brought so much more depth to the post!

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Christine, this year is the year of collaboration for me. I started a newsletter with my Dad, and a business with a friend of mine where we help people market themselves on LinkedIn a bit better. I've always done a lot of this "online stuff" solo the last 7-8 years. This is the year where I change all that and start working WITH people. It's been great so far! Thanks for liking my note the other day, by the way. I'm subscribing.

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Hi, Christine! I just found you through Notes today. (Yay!)

Collaboration is something that I'm fairly new (but open) to.

George Kao tells his community (of which I'm a part) that we have no "competitors". Rather, we have "niche mates". I love the notion! It's turned my own way of thinking around.

All this to say that I loved your post! 🥰

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I love this, Christine! I was just thinking this morning about how excited I am that there are so many spiritually aligned people in the world (and on Substack) these days and how there's so much potential for us all to weave our gifts together. And I'd love to do a collaboration of some kind with you! 🤗♥️

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